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Thursday, March 30 2006

Battlefield 2142 Screenshots  by Craig D at 19:02

bf-news.de has managed to snag some new BF2142 screens that show off a little more of DiCE Sweden's upcoming futuristic Battlefield title.
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Posts: 2696
Post rank 5 out of 5
30 March 2006 19:54
i dunno about you, but to me that looks like a console shooter.
Posts: 1971
Post rank 4 out of 5
30 March 2006 20:54
Eh? Stan you really do speak some bullshit sometimes.

Anyway it looks utter pants IMO.
Posts: 6957
Post rank 5 out of 5
30 March 2006 22:04
If it plays like BF2 it will be fine, bit harder to relate to that futuristic crap though, which will probably make it a bit less popular that bf2 is.
Posts: 2696
Post rank 5 out of 5
30 March 2006 22:23
i speak crap for thinking it looks like a console fps game ?
tbh what makes me think that is the massive overuse of bloom and lack of detail in some shots just crys out console shooter. I didnt say it is a console shooter, just that it looked like one
I agree with craig i cant get on with future style guns as you dont feel the impact of them and cant relate as much, hence cs and bf2 being the games i have played the most.
Posts: 96
Post rank 1 out of 5
30 March 2006 22:45
When are they ever going to release a patch for the screenshots of BF2142?

Posts: 2696
Post rank 5 out of 5
31 March 2006 03:51
just been looking at the bf2 on xbox360 pictures and the style is similar to these, why i thought it looked like a console shooter.
Posts: 2826
Post rank 5 out of 5
31 March 2006 14:47
I bet the vehicles all behave with the same properties of the ones in BF2 as well, the jeep having a machine gun etc (except it'll fire futuristic looking bullets) I'm sure it'll just feel like the same game with new models.
Posts: 303
Post rank 3 out of 5
31 March 2006 19:29
Stop being a troll rusty
Posts: 2846
Post rank 5 out of 5
01 April 2006 01:15
im gonna try and stick with bf2 as long as possible, fight the power!
Posts: 2103
Post rank 5 out of 5
01 April 2006 10:02
Lets fase it this is jsut a mod that ea are parming off as a new game.

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