
Film Guru

Posts: 2696
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24 January 2005 18:25
What are your current headphones and the best ones you have heard/used ? Reason i am asking is the cable on my sennheisers has gone on me [i could replace it but i fancy some new headphones] at the moment i am looking at a pair of these. http://www.sennheiser.co.uk/products.jsp?id=09969 can get em for 200 including postage !!! If anyone fancies lending [well giving] me 3k then i can get a projector too


Posts: 541
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25 January 2005 06:57
none, but i want a sennheisers - any suggestions? not any of these 200quid like stan wants
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gameSlave Bike Wrecker

Posts: 2093
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25 January 2005 10:23
mine are some weird european make hamya or sommat they fit well and are nice to wear but i dont hold much hope on durability  maby if im lucky the'll last till june when i go back to hungary to get some more  if not its down to pcworld or comet to get a mic to go with my quilted sterio headphones  cnt remember the make but they were £25 and there about £80 over here
Fast is fine, but accuracy is everything.
Issue the orders Sir, and I will storm Hell. |

Uber sex0r?

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25 January 2005 11:31
Ok here goes. We've got some Senn HD600s at work, ( I figure the 650s are replacing the 600s ) Very very nice headphones. Superb sound quality and clarity. They are open backed headphones so they leak noise. But in your bedroom this isn't really an issue. They are Sennheisers so expect the cable to go on them, this is a case with all Senns that I have ever owned but its not enough to stop me coming back to them. Senn HD250 mkII Linear - Got these at home, very nice enclosed headphones although the band doesn't really hold them tight enough to the head for my like. Like the 600s, full sized pads cover the ear and sit on the head for comfort. Senn HD25 - Use these at work, closed back much smaller phones, usefull for DJing but still very good sound. Bayer Dynamic DT100s - The industry standard headphones. Whenever you see sound people on the TV, they are wearing these ugly bastards with the white cans. Quite bassy, top range aint too good. Very good at cutting out sound but very unfortable. Mesuda 5.1 - Hmmm I use these most of the time on the pc. Only for one reason. They have a mic. Sound quality compared to the Senns is crap. 5.1 You dont notice too much over headphones, get a decent speaker setup if you want 5.1. The headphone amp picks up my mobile phone itnerferance like nobodys business. Also when the volume on cable is set high you get noise.
I personally would go for the HD650s. If they are as good as or even better than the 600s then you're in for a treat. You'll want to listen to all your music again through them as they really are something else.

Film Guru

Posts: 2696
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25 January 2005 17:58
Thx m8y thats my pair of 650's orderd should have them thursday. Was semi tempted to try the medusa but i am too anal about quality


Posts: 541
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25 January 2005 21:33
a guy i know reviewed them and said they were really nice, good quality and very comfortable... (if thats the headset from razor)
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Posts: 541
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26 January 2005 09:41
one think i can say, i dont like overclockers 100% but lol, ordered my headset firstclass yestarday around 2pm and got them this morning at 8:30am.... very nice delivery speed.
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gameSlave Bike Wrecker

Posts: 2093
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26 January 2005 10:23
jeees ima haveto get a wireless mic now lol then i can start using my comfie headphones
Fast is fine, but accuracy is everything.
Issue the orders Sir, and I will storm Hell. |


Posts: 541
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26 January 2005 15:01
im gonna need a hand by someone later on, cant get the mic on this headset to work  aint brought a new mic in years so i forgot what i did last time...
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Film Guru

Posts: 2696
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26 January 2005 15:41
Plug it in you welsh noobie !