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Wednesday, August 19 2009

Aliens vs. Predator Screenshots  by Craig D at 15:37

And while we're at it, you might as well have these Aliens vs. Predator screenshots to look at. SEGA's sci-fi shooter is due in early 2010 on PC, 360 and PS3.
Aliens vs. Predator, aliens_vs_predator___gc_2009_ps3__xbox_360__pcscreenshots17925avp_gc_online_1.jpg Aliens vs. Predator, aliens_vs_predator___gc_2009_ps3__xbox_360__pcscreenshots17926avp_gc_online_2.jpg Aliens vs. Predator, aliens_vs_predator___gc_2009_ps3__xbox_360__pcscreenshots17927avp_gc_online_3.jpg Aliens vs. Predator, aliens_vs_predator___gc_2009_ps3__xbox_360__pcscreenshots17928avp_gc_online_4.jpg Aliens vs. Predator, aliens_vs_predator___gc_2009_ps3__xbox_360__pcscreenshots17929avp_gc_online_5.jpg
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