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Thursday, December 09 2004

Act of War, previews  by Craig D at 18:27

Both gamespot and gamespy have preview of Eugen Systems' upcoming geo political RTS.

Gamespot :- Act of War already seems to be coming along well, and its good-looking urban environments bode well for a game that will feature urban warfare tactics and other unusual strategies. If the single-player story and multiplayer gameplay can fulfill the potential we've seen so far, Act of War: Direct Action will be a distinctive strategy game in the thrilling world of a technothriller novel.

Gamespy :- So yes, Act of War is possessed by a bunch of interesting elements, not the least of which is its thoughtfully crafted narrative, and the resplendent ways in which it is presented. If all of the novel gameplay elements it presents amount to fun, then Atari may have something hot on its hands here.

Should be available sometime in March 2005.
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Posts: 2846
Post rank 5 out of 5
09 December 2004 18:42
Och tripe, another fairly decent RTS Soo many to choose from

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