Tuesday, December 12 2006

Thanks Bluesnews
Here are the patch notes again for you:
Warhammer: Mark of Chaos - Patch 1.6 Release Notes
New Features
- Added Flanking and Charge feedback.
- Added indication in the Multiplayer Lobby on list of players of which ones are in a game.
- Fixed several crash, out of sync and other bugs during replays.
- Fixed a bug where the Credits did not load after completing a Campaign.
- Fixed issues in the Tutorial where triggers were broken.
- Fixed a crash in the Multiplayer lobby.
- Fixed a freeze that occured after clicking on the Cancel button in the Create Army menu after playing a Ladder game.
- Fixed a crash that occured when you attempted to move Gutterunners out of bounds via their Tunnel ability.
- Fixed minor user interface bugs.
- Music volume balance.
- Fixed a bug where players attempting to join a multiplayer game already started remained attempting indefinitely.
- Fixed a bug where the Move Speed value was displayed incorrectly in the game.
- Fixed a bug where some army bonuses were not displayed.
- Changed the orientation of the tower cannons on the Hightower multiplayer map.
- Changed the location of the rally point of the reinforcement camp in the center of the Village in Squeeze map.
General Balance Changes
- Ranged units hit heroes more likely.
- Heroes now suffer additional damage when attacked from behind by melee units.
- Heroes can escape harder from pursuing units.
- Fixed a bug which caused heroes to level up faster than intended.
- Armor upgrade prices for units generally lowered.
- Level upgrade cost for artillery units increased.
Skill Balance Changes
The Empire
- Prayers of Sigmar - Increases the lifetime of Strength of Sigmar by 2 sec (instead of 1).
- Strength of Sigmar - Lifetime increased from 10 seconds to 15.
- Strength of Sigmar - Cooldown reduced from 60 seconds to 45.
- Strength of Sigmar - Power cost reduced from 300 to 150.
- Fireball - Base chance to hit for area component increased from 10 to 11.
- Fireball - Bonus chance to hit by skill ranks for area component lowered from 5% to 2.2%.
- Fireball - Tooltip corrected. Bonus chance to hit to target is 10%.
- Master of Aqshy - Chance to hit reduced from 5% to 1.4% for every rank of the skill.
- Conflagration of Doom - Cooldown and power cost increased from 45 seconds and 225 power to 60 seconds and 300 power.
- conflagration of Doom - Inner area damage reduced from 3 to 2 hit points.
- Conflagration of Doom - Inner area base chance to hit increased from 30% to 35%.
- Conflagration of Doom - Outer area base chance to hit increased from 10% to 15%.
- Conflagration of Doom - Outer area bonus chance to hit decreased from 5% to 3%.
- Herald of the Storm - Cooldown and power cost decreased from 30 seconds and 150 power to 20 seconds and 100 power.
- Herald of the Storm - Bonus chance to hit reduced from 10% to 8%.
- Herald of the Storm - Now jumps up to 5 targets at the base rank of the skill.
- Earthlord - Chance to hit increased from 0.2% per skill level to 0.4%.
Hordes of Chaos
- Wind of Death - Cooldown and power cost increased from 50 seconds and 250 power to 55 seconds and 275 power.
- Lord of Shadow - Fixed skill to the tooltip. This will cause an overall 19% area radius decrease to the current state of the skill.
- Infernal Storm - Chance to hit decreased from 5% to 4% per skill level.
- Sumptuous Pestilence - Cooldown and power increased from 30 seconds and 150 power to 40 seconds and 200 power.
- Warpbombs - Cooldown and power cost reduced from 50 seconds and 250 power to 40 seconds and 200 power.
- Warpbombs - Area reduced from 3.0 to 2.5.
- Warpstone Shower - Damage reduced from 2 to 1.
- Whirling Doom - Cooldown and power cost decreased from 60 seconds and 300 power to 35 seconds and 175 power.
- Whirling Doom - Chance to hit reduced from 40% to 15%.
- Whirling Doom - Chance to hit upgrade reduced from 8% to 3% per level.
High Elves
- Asuryan's Chosen - Cooldown and power cost reduced from 50 seconds and 250 power to 40 seconds and 200 power.
- Asuryan's Chosen - Base number of wisps reduced from 7 to 5.
- Asuryan's Chosen - Duration increased from 15 seconds to 20 seconds.
- Asuryan's Chosen - Base chance to hit increased from 5% to 10%.
- Wrath of Khaine - Damage to target increased from 1 to 2.
- Wrath of Khaine - The based skill already included the +50% chance to hit to the target. This has been corrected to the tooltip.
- Wrath of Khaine - Added 1% bonus per skill level to the chance to hit of the area component of the spell.
- Master of Hoeth - Magic resistance reduced is changed from 2 per skill level to 1.
- Flames of the Phoenix - Cooldown and power cost increased from 50 seconds and 250 power to 60 seconds and 300 power.
Orcs and Goblins
- Brain Bursta - Cooldown and power cost increased from 20 seconds and 100 power to 35 seconds and 175 power.
- Brain Bursta - Base chance to hit reduced from 15% to 10%.
- Brain Bursta - Bonus chance to hit reduced from 3% per level to 2%.
- Fists of Gork - Cooldown and power cost increased from 50 seconds and 250 power to 60 seconds and 300 power.
- Fists of Gork - Base number of fists increased from 7 to 10.
- Buzzin Swarm - Morale damage reduced from 50 to 25 and bonus per level reduced from 10 to 5.
Item Changes
- Fixed function of damage reflection of Armor of Retribution.
- Magical infusion potions' price increased to 150-250-350 gold (minor-.
- Power Stones' price increased to 250-500-750 gold.
- The cooldown of scrolls increased from 30 seconds to 60.
- Elixir of Invigoration is on a 10 minutes cooldown.
- Potion of Fortitude price increased to 400 gold.
Tags: Warhammer: Mark of Chaos

30-Nov-06 | Wahammer: Mark Of Chaos Version 1.3 Patch |
14-Nov-06 | Warhammer: Mark of Chaos Launch Trailer |
30-Oct-06 | Warhammer: Mark of Chaos Media |
30-Oct-06 | Warhammer: Mark of Chaos Goes Gold |
20-Oct-06 | Warhammer: Mark of Chaos Media |
10-Oct-06 | Warhammer: Mark of Chaos Collector's Edition Details |
06-Oct-06 | Warhammer: Mark of Chaos Media |
28-Sep-06 | Warhammer: Mark of Chaos Screenshots |
19-Sep-06 | Warhammer: Mark Of Chaos Screenshots |
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