Thursday, November 30 2006

Click full story for the changelog.
Patch 1.3
Text fixes in all language versions.
Fixed a crash that occurred after the second mission in Empire Chapter 1.
Fixed a crash that occurred after loading games in the single player campaign.
Patch 1.2
New Features
Added some cool readouts for the Logitech G15 keyboard.
Added a Flee button for the Command Panel to force flee your units any time.
This involves the removal of the Attack button.
Added item trade feature to the Tactical Map. Now you can drag and drop items
from one hero to the other at the Alchemist. Usage: Drop the selected item to
the hero's portrait.
Replaced Disband button with a Sell button in the Barracks. Now you get half
the gold when you sell a unit. Allows players to reconfigure their army easier
and to make more gold early in the game.
New Maps
Emerge: 2v2 multiplayer reinforcements battle map.
Hightower: 1v1 multiplayer siege battle map using the Hightower Brought Low
single player map as a base.
Stielstand: 1v1 multiplayer siege battle map using the Blood on the Rocks
single player map as a base.
Struggle: 1v1 multiplayer reinforcements battle map.
Two Hills: 1v1 multiplayer reinforcements battle map.
Watch over Ford: 1v1 multiplayer normal battle map.
Added blood splash varieties and fixed some related bugs.
Right-clicking on an offscreen unit banner jumps the camera to the unit.
Improved many visual effects.
Improved or fixed animations for the following units: Bloodletters, Daemon
Prince, Dragon, Dwarf Stone Thrower, Giant, Griffon, Orc Boyz, Orc Warboss,
Silver Helms, Troll, Warriors of Chaos Khorne, and Warriors of Chaos
Smaller UI fixes.
Updated some sound.
Updated some text.
AI updates to units in single player mission.
General game optimization (fog of war, Sky Globe, texture drawing and mesh)
General tuning on maps to make them a tad more challenging
General gold balancing for single player missions
Balance Changes
Adjusted the price of many items. This was done for a couple reasons, first was
to balance the economy some, and the other is to make overpowered champions cost
prohibitive in the multiplayer sessions.
Knightly Orders attack speed increased by 10%.
Greatswords armor increased by 1.
Greatswords attack speed increased by 10%.
Pistoliers chance to hit increased.
Pistoliers attack range increased by 2.
Elector on Griffon now has mounted hero armor (vulnerable to ranged attacks).
Elector on Griffon gold cost increased to 4000.
Wyrdspawn attack speed increased.
Wyrdspawn attack range increased.
Spawn of Chaos attack speed increased.
Knights of Chaos gold cost increased to 200.
Marauder Chieftain gold cost reduced to 60.
Warriors of Chaos gold cost increased to 65.
Rat Ogre health points decreased by 2.
Ringing the Bell: Discordant Tolling siege damage decreased to 33%, and
cooldown reduced to 30 seconds.
Gutter Runners morale decreased to 100.
Rat Ogre morale reduced to 120.
High Elves
Ellyrian Reavers gold cost decreased to 130.
High Elf Archers fire arrow skill do less morale damage.
Prince on Dragon now has mounted hero armor (vulnerable to ranged attacks).
Troll healt points decreased by 2.
Goblins gold cost increased to 15.
Night Goblins morale increased to 88.
Night Goblin Spearthrowers morale increased to 88.
All goblin units weapon and armour upgrade cost increased.
Tags: Warhammer: Mark of Chaos

12-Dec-06 | Warhammer: Mark of Chaos 1.6 Patch |
14-Nov-06 | Warhammer: Mark of Chaos Launch Trailer |
30-Oct-06 | Warhammer: Mark of Chaos Media |
30-Oct-06 | Warhammer: Mark of Chaos Goes Gold |
20-Oct-06 | Warhammer: Mark of Chaos Media |
10-Oct-06 | Warhammer: Mark of Chaos Collector's Edition Details |
06-Oct-06 | Warhammer: Mark of Chaos Media |
28-Sep-06 | Warhammer: Mark of Chaos Screenshots |
19-Sep-06 | Warhammer: Mark Of Chaos Screenshots |
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