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Tuesday, June 13 2006

Liquidator Review Live  by James W at 23:08

Two new reviews live tonight! Firstly we have Liquidator, an action-packed, first person shooter from Parallax Arts Studio. You know, I'm not entirely sure Malis enjoyed this game.

Graphically the game isn't too bad. It's certainly not cutting edge but there are the odd nice special effects when underwater or in the hazy heat-world of Hell. The trouble is, in this day and age the bar for graphics is so high that simply 'not bad' isn't good enough for a full-priced game. Truthfully though, the levels are so abstract in design: twisting corridors, sudden open courtyards and the like, that there's no chance to appreciate the engine anyway. Running around this game's aimless levels searching for semi-decent enemies to kill, the last thing on anyone's mind will be the graphics engine.

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