Saturday, June 03 2006
A patch for Shadowgrounds has been released fixing various issues such as the PDA crash bug. Some new features include allowing the game to be played without a mouse, in a windowed mode rather than full screen and adds harder difficulty once you have completed the game. The patch also prepares the game to support the upcoming Level Editor, which will be available to download next week.
If you bought the game over Steam it should update automatically, others can download the 6.6mb patch from the link above.
If you bought the game over Steam it should update automatically, others can download the 6.6mb patch from the link above.
Version 1.04:
* Major crash bug related to fonts fixed (this affected PDAs, weapon upgrade menu and some others)
* Minor text fixes throughout the English version
* One Mission 12 conversation bug fixed
* Keyboard-only aiming possibility added (no mouse required)
* Windowed mode now with titlebar (movable window)
* Unofficial support for more keyboard buttons
* Error reporting (see below!)
Version 1.02 UK:
* Many collisions fixed in the missions, the player should no longer be able to get to the "edge of the world" in any mission
* New sound drivers might help with some sound issues
* Creating a new player profile name now caps at 19 characters so the text string no longer goes out of screen
* Bugs related to Profiles fixed
Version 1.01:
* Mission 4: ISERCom; Some people have experienced problems like getting stuck in the corridor fight in the middle of Mission 4. After this patch this should be fixed (the doors should open automatically after x minutes).
* Mission 7: Provectus; in co-op, after this patch the players should be able to continue the game if they die during the Provectus reactor fixing.
* GeForce 6600GT; some graphics bugs fixed (new NVIDIA drivers fix a lot of bugs too)
* Minor text fixes throughout the game
* Slightly modified font (better comma etc)
* After completing the game on "Hard" difficulty, a new difficulty setting "Very Hard" becomes available.
* After completing the game on "Very Hard" difficulty, the ultimate difficulty setting becomes available: "Impossible".
* "Reset After Load" added to Shadowgrounds Launcher; if the game crashes when you press "START" in the Loading Menu, disabling this feature may help on some graphics cards.
Tags: Shadowgrounds

29-Jun-06 | Shadowgrounds Level Editor Released |
13-Jun-06 | Shadowgrounds Review |
13-Jun-06 | Shadowgrounds Interview |
04-May-06 | Updated Shadowgrounds Demo |
06-Apr-06 | Shadowgrounds Multiplayer Screenshots |
02-Feb-06 | Shadowgrounds Demo |
19-Jan-06 | Shadowgrounds Screenshots |
18-Aug-05 | Shadowgrounds Screenshots |
16-Jun-05 | Shadowgrounds Screenshots |
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