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Tuesday, May 30 2006

Original Tomb Raider to get a remake?  by James B at 11:07

Kotaku have some gossip that might please older fans of the Tomb Raider series. Eidos are apparently planning to remake the original game for PSP and PS2 to celebrate the series' 10th birthday.

Eidos/SCi are planning on celebrating Lara's 10th birthday by releasing a remake of her original adventure. We are talking improved graphics, new moves, the lot. If there is time, the "new" game will feature a remake of both Tomb Raider and Tomb Raider II: The Dagger of Xian, but right now the developers are focusing on Lara Crofts first adventure.

Nice idea, but a remake for a more powerful console would be even sweeter i feel!
Posts: 2103
Post rank 5 out of 5
30 May 2006 13:53
This would rock, hope they bring it out on PC.

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