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Thursday, May 18 2006

Top Marketplace Downloads During E3  by James W at 12:00

Xbox Live Marketplace had a busy week during E3. Microsoft reports over 1.5 million gamers connected and racked up over 5 million downloads during the week. At the same time traffic on Xbox.com doubled, serving more than 6 million unique visitors. The Halo 3 trailer proved the most popular download from the Marketplace. Below are the top ten downloads during E3 in full.

1. Halo 3 Game Trailer
2. Lost Planet: Extreme Condition Free Playable Demo
3. Test Drive® Unlimited Free Playable Demo
4. MotoGPTM '06 Free Playable Demo
5. X-MenTM: The Last Stand Pack
6. Gears of War GameTrailer
7. Call of Duty ®2: Skirmish Map Pack
8. SpidermanTM 3 Game Trailer
9. Fable 2 Trailer
10. Uno® Xbox Live Arcade Game
Tags: Microsoft
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