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Wednesday, March 22 2006

Battlefield 2 Community Update  by Craig D at 09:55

Battlefield 2 Logo There's a new BF2 Commuity Update on the official site. A confirmation of Battlefield 2142's existence is the main point but it does also state the DiCE Canada are hard at work on the BF2 1.3 update along with the next booster pack, 'Armored Fury'. Can we have a bit more infantry combat in this one please?
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Posts: 2093
Post rank 5 out of 5
22 March 2006 11:21
with a name like Armored Fury i doubt the'll be much infantry combat :/
Posts: 6957
Post rank 5 out of 5
22 March 2006 11:24
You never know, just needs to be more of a balance. Tanks maps almsot always end up in base camping, they did in bf1942 and they do in EF, it's crap.
Posts: 2846
Post rank 5 out of 5
22 March 2006 19:32
I really doubt "Armoured Fury" will be infantry based, unless its a play on words.
Posts: 2826
Post rank 5 out of 5
22 March 2006 20:00
or they spelt Furry wrong and it's just a load of furry animal style tanks !
Posts: 2846
Post rank 5 out of 5
22 March 2006 20:39
Surreal mod tbh
Posts: 921
Post rank 3 out of 5
23 March 2006 12:45
Give me squad of men armed with the RPG7's & the terrain to hide them .

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