Monday, March 06 2006

Questions Answered by Mathieu Girard – Producer on Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced WarfighterTM
Why do you delay the game?
To achieve better quality and deliver all the features we wanted to have in
the game. GRAW PC is a project developed specifically for this machine so
its development cycle was different from that of the other platforms.
Can you remind us what the main differences between consoles and PC
versions are?
We have a gameplay that is very different from the gameplay of the console
version; for instance the ghosts are controlled in a way that is specific to
the PC, with a much more accurate order system. This involves adapting all
the game content (including reprogramming completely the enemy AI) and
tuning it to this way of playing. We shared the storyline and setting of the
XBox 360, but all the rest had to be reworked, to appeal to a GR1 audience
while at the same time taking into account the new PC specific features.
The other major differences are, of course, full first person control, and
PC-specific multiplayer modes.
What are the ambitions of the PC version?
We had some very ambitous designs for the multiplayer, and we did not
advertise on the exact content until we were sure to be able to deliver it.
Things such as simulating a fully interactive physical environment over the
network were risky, but we are now comforted that the cooperative mode will
deliver unprecedented experience of multiplayer gameplay. The domination
mode is also very promising as it changes the control of areas to something
more interesting than simply capturing flags. More info to come soon.

28-Nov-06 | Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 1.35 Patch |
12-Sep-06 | Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter PC Map Pack 3 Released |
21-Aug-06 | Beta Test GRAW MP Pack 3 |
03-Aug-06 | GRAW PC 1.21 Patch Released |
05-Jul-06 | Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 1.20 Patch |
21-Jun-06 | Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter (PC) Multiplayer Pack released |
24-May-06 | Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter PC 1.10 Patch |
11-May-06 | Ghost Recon: Advance Warfighter 1.06 patch available |
08-May-06 | GRAW Developer Interview |
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