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Friday, January 06 2006

SiN Episodes Preview  by James W at 12:25

1up.com have posted their impressions of SiN Episodes when they were lucky enough to see it at CES.

<snip>And if you were worried that the first episode would just be about the car chase seen in the first trailer, one level we tried puts that concern to rest. It takes place in an industrial dock area and is 100% FPS run-'n-gun. There is a slight similarity to some of the canal levels seen in Half-Life 2, but take that as a compliment and most likely a result of the shared engine. The design is completely believable as a real place because the areas all fit together the way they ought to. And while you are ushered along in a certain direction, it feels open enough that you can explore.
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Posts: 1655
Post rank 4 out of 5
06 January 2006 19:25
Didn't notice this the first time but there is a video included as well!

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