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Wednesday, June 02 2004

MOH Pacific Assault interview  by Shane L at 09:06

An article I found over on GameSpot this morning is a little chat with the producer of up and coming game Medal of Honour : Pacific assault.

Our plan: To create the most viscerally exciting, intense, and relentless squad-based World War II first-person shooter that the world has ever seen. I wanted to create a game that put you on the battlefield with a group of guys and made you feel as if you were really there. We started from scratch. Out went the old Quake III engine; in came a completely new list of features never before attempted. I'll quickly introduce them now,

The ability for the player-friendly and non-player-friendly non-player characters to react in real time to changes in tactics, pressure from enemy squads, and morale. Out goes the scripted AI; this is a game that never plays the same way twice. To me, that is gameplay nirvana. A game that plays more like a multiplayer game, where the enemy is thinking and changing tactics based on the ever-changing tide of the battle.

Certainly does look promising and its an interesting read.

Catch the full article here
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