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The Settlers: Heritage of Kings

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Release Date: February 18th 2005

Publishers Description:

The Settlers®: Heritage of Kings is a world-building strategy game with fully rendered 3D visuals and unavoidably addictive gameplay

Players can dive into a detailed medieval world offering a unique mix of RTS and simulation gameplay. A fully functioning community can be created; new advancements can be discovered, and enemy forces will be repelled!


  • A wide-ranging and addictive single-player campaign: 20 medieval missions challenge players to create their own realm by conquering seven fantastic kingdoms and retrieving the Orb of Power. Multiplayer content will be included.
  • Cutting-edge visual technology: A breathtaking 3D gaming experience that takes advantage of CriterionTM's RenderWareTM technology. Dynamic weather and seasons have a direct impact on gameplay: Units travel more slowly on snow; rivers freeze and become battlefields! A living environment: A wide variety of animals and plant life create immersion and detail.
  • Expert concept development and game design contributed by Bruce Milligan: The well-respected RTS designer has worked on several best-selling titles in the genre.
  • Manage more than 70 types of intelligent inhabitants: Within an interdependent community. Each character type has its own benefits, uses, skills, and abilities! Barter materials, Items and advancements with sales people to acquire new abilities and options. Discover important technological breakthroughs by using inventors, scholars, and alchemists.
  • An exciting combat system with upgradeable RPG elements, including enhanced abilities, weapons, and technologies.

Article By Published Date Platform
Settlers 5 Review Craig Dudley 05-Mar-05 PC

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