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Compiled list of Mage Macros

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08 December 2005 08:38 Reply (Quote this message)
Compiled list of Mage Macros


Here is a compiled list of all the useful and awesome Mage macros that this forum has supplied. Following each macro will be an example of it that Joe the level 60 Mage uses. Enjoy.

Sheeping Macro: (courtesy Wyzik)
/script if UnitSex("target"==1 then g="F " else g="M " end;s="oly "..g..UnitLevel("target".." %T";a=0;if GetPartyMember(1) then c="arty" a=1 if GetNumRaidMembers()>0 then c="raid" end;end;if a>0 then SendChatMessage(s,c) end;
/cast Polymorph(Rank X)
Description: Informs your party (or raid) of the sex, level and name of your target and than casts Polymorph. If you arn't in a raid or party, you simply cast Polymorph.

/script if UnitSex("target"==1 then g="F " else g="M " end;s="oly "..g..UnitLevel("target".." %T";a=0;if GetPartyMember(1) then c="arty" a=1 if GetNumRaidMembers()>0 then c="raid" end;end;if a>0 then SendChatMessage(s,c) end;
/cast Polymorph(Rank 4)

De-curser: (courtesy Tagan)
/target [your characters name]
/cast Remove Lesser Curse
/script TargetLastEnemy();
Description: Removes one curse from you.

/target Joe
/cast Remove Lesser Curse
/script TargetLastEnemy();

Anti-totem: (courtesy Malakkeros, the Shaman community and me)
/target Earthbind Totem
/target Searing Totem
/target Magma Totem
/target Mana Spring Totem
/target Grounding Totem
/target Healing Stream Totem
/cast Shoot
/script TargetLastEnemy();
Description: Shoots the last totem on the list above, that is in range.

No example needed. (Joe doesn't like this macro.)

Driveby Intellect Buff: (courtesy Gamwich)
/script r=[Rank] X;l={1,14,28,42,56};if not UnitIsFriend("layer","target"then TargetUnit("layer";end;t=UnitLevel("target";for i=r,1,-1 do if (t>=l[ i]-10) then CastSpellByName("Arcane Intellect(Rank "..i.."";break;end;end
Note: You must remove the space after the [ and before the i].
Description: Calculates the highest Intellect buff the target can use and casts it on the target.

/script r=5;l={1,14,28,42,56};if not UnitIsFriend("layer","target"then TargetUnit("layer";end;t=UnitLevel("target";for i=r,1,-1 do if (t>=l[ i]-10) then CastSpellByName("Arcane Intellect(Rank "..i.."";break;end;end
Note: You must remove the space after the [ and before the i].

Insta-Counterspell: (courtesy Jininji)
/script SpellStopCasting();
/cast Counterspell
Description: Stops casting any spell currently being cast, and casts Counterspell at your target.

No example needed. (Joe doesn't like this macro.)

Multi-water: (courtesy me)
/script if (UnitMana("layer">[Mana cost for your Conjure Water spell]) then CastSpellByName("Conjure Water(Rank X)" else UseContainerItem(0, 1); end;
Description: When you have more mana than it costs to cast your Conjure Water spell, it casts it. But if you have less mana than you need, you use the first item in your backpack; usually the water you just conjured (or you could put a mana potion in the first spot, for a faster pace).

/script if (UnitMana("layer">780) then CastSpellByName("Conjure Water(Rank 7)" else UseContainerItem(0, 1); end;

Hungry or Thirsty: (courtesy Pirdo)
/script if UnitHealth('player') / UnitHealthMax('player') < 0.8 then UseContainerItem(X1, X2); end
/script if UnitMana('player') / UnitManaMax('player') < 0.8 then UseContainerItem(X1, X2); end
Description: Eats if your health is below 80% and/or drinks if your mana is below 80%.
Note: X1 represents the bag number, from right to left; 0-4. X2 represents the space number inside the bag (X1), from left to right.

/script if UnitHealth('player') / UnitHealthMax('player') < 0.8 then UseContainerItem(0, 1); end
/script if UnitMana('player') / UnitManaMax('player') < 0.8 then UseContainerItem(0, 2); end

Hybrid Assist: (courtesy Graven)
/script ClearTarget();
/assist Character
Description: Clears your current target and targets the same target as the character you have inputed above.

/script ClearTarget();
/assist John

Self-bandage: (courtesy Napili)
/script SpellStopCasting();
/s Bandaging, don't heal me!
/target [your characters name]
/script UseContainerItem (X1, X2);
Description: Stops whatever you are doing, announces that you are bandaging yourself and promptly bandages you.
Note: X1 represents the bag number, from right to left; 0-4. X2 represents the space number inside the bag (X1), from left to right.

/script SpellStopCasting();
/s Bandaging, don't heal me!
/target Joe
/script UseContainerItem (0, 1);

Shut up: (courtesy Kikyo)
/say No, I don't have time to make you free stacks of water, unless you want to pay me XG per stack.
/script CancelTrade()
Description: You simply say the above and than automaticly cancel the trade.

/say No, I don't have time to make you free stacks of water, unless you want to pay me 5G per stack.
/script CancelTrade()

Detect Clearcasting: (courtesy Creo)
/script local q; local t;for i=0,15,1 do t=GetPlayerBuffTexture(i); if (t and string.find(t, "ManaBurn") then q=1; break; end; end; if(q ~= nil) then CastSpellByName("Arcane Missiles(Rank X)" else CastSpellByName("[Spell you use often](Rank X)"; end;
Description: Use as a normal spell key-binding, except if you gain Clearcasting before you cast it it will cast Arcane Missles instead.

/script local q; local t;for i=0,15,1 do t=GetPlayerBuffTexture(i); if (t and string.find(t, "ManaBurn") then q=1; break; end; end; if(q ~= nil) then CastSpellByName("Arcane Missiles(Rank 7)" else CastSpellByName("Scorch(Rank 7)"; end;

Reset Instance: (courtesy Mirabella)
/invite [Name of someone already in a group]
/script LeaveParty()
Description: Resets an instance for farming.

Source: [URL=http://www.worldofwarcraft-gold.net/]World of Warcraft Gold Free Guide">


I have a big chopper

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08 December 2005 10:53 Reply (Quote this message)
nice one I just started wow again too.


gameSlave Bike Wrecker

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08 December 2005 11:10 Reply (Quote this message)
bored of BF2:SF already Grant?

Fast is fine, but accuracy is everything.
Issue the orders Sir, and I will storm Hell.

gameSlave Tart

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08 December 2005 11:34 Reply (Quote this message)
argh world of warcraft

Bring Back shoutbox!
Compiled list of Mage Macros
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