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SiN Episodes Emergence Review
Being based on Valve's Source engine, Emergence has excellent physics, you do need to use them on occasion to solve a puzzle or two but not to the extent that we did in Half-Life 2, bad guys will also use some objects as makeshift weapons if the opportunity arises, kicking crates or barrels in your general direction. And yes, some of these barrels will explode if shot, we couldn't have a first person shooter without exploding barrels, could we? Sigh.
Read the full article, SiN Episodes Emergence Review. By Craig Dudley on 28-May-06
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Posts: 1740
Post rank 4 out of 5
28 May 2006 23:51
Looks more interesting and vibrant to me than Hl2

Posts: 6957
Post rank 5 out of 5
28 May 2006 23:54
It left me wanting more, which I suppose is the plan.

Posts: 2696
Post rank 5 out of 5
29 May 2006 16:11
I have just bought it now, so if its shite mani i am going to kick your arse

Posts: 2846
Post rank 5 out of 5
29 May 2006 16:56
Still haven't bought HL2 so won't be getting this *awaits flaming*

Posts: 2103
Post rank 5 out of 5
29 May 2006 17:24
Your not the only one, i have only got hl to play CS (/me runs and hides), but FPS were not my bag until BF.

Posts: 2696
Post rank 5 out of 5
29 May 2006 18:02
rofl half life 1 and 2 are without a doubt the best single player fps games ever made and if you havent played them you really should.

Posts: 1740
Post rank 4 out of 5
29 May 2006 20:28
HL2 is far from the best. Good but massiverly over-hyped, even quite boring in places.

Posts: 2826
Post rank 5 out of 5
01 June 2006 11:17
HL2 is far from boring, it's a very very good game like Ryan said.

Posts: 2846
Post rank 5 out of 5
01 June 2006 12:45
I played the first one and quite liked it.
But I prefer realism a bit, like i really enjoyed playing through CoD Single player on Hardest Setting, gave you a real sense of what it was like to be there

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