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Final Fantasy XIII Review
Final Fantasy XIII ReviewThis feeling is continued in the general gameplay. Simply put, for the first 15 to 20 hours you have no control of where you go or what you do - you have to follow the story as it unfolds, and there's nothing you can do about it.
Read the full article, Final Fantasy XIII Review. By Andy Hemphill on 15-Mar-10
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Posts: 548
Post rank 3 out of 5
16 March 2010 11:57
good review, i couldnt get past the first 4hours mark. dont think i ever will. its too boring

Posts: 1971
Post rank 4 out of 5
16 March 2010 15:23
This doesn't sound very "Final Fantasy" to me... I've not bought it yet but I will eventually I suppose. I'm still thinking Final Fantasy Versus XIII will knock the pants off of this.

Posts: 303
Post rank 3 out of 5
16 March 2010 17:27
I'm about 8-10 hours in so far and really not sure what to make of it, if it wasnt a final fantasy game id have probably stopped playing it, it relies far too much on a good combat system early on.

They have ruined the summons in the last few installments though imo, they should be used as a 1 off move and not have the summon come into the battle as a character. I also dont like how you cant progress the crystarium system of your own accord, its a stupid system !!

The last 2 main games (x-2, 12) and this 1 so far havent been anywhere near as good as their predecessors, they need to pull it out of the bag with Versus 13

Posts: 1971
Post rank 4 out of 5
16 March 2010 23:13
I was instantly put off of this when I heard about "sphere grid-like" system. I really hated the pointless grid in FFX and the licence system in FFXII. I appreciated the simplicity of the systems up to FFIX.

I agree on the summon thing too. I liked how FF8 handled them best - letting them posses you (lending you their HP) until they're released.

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