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Fahrenheit Review
The most striking thing about the graphics in Fahrenheit is just how much they remind you of watching a film, let me elaborate, they have given the game a large amount of grain, this then gives the game a film noir type atmosphere. Quantic Dream clearly spent a large amount of time and effort into getting the motion capture just right, the characters all move in a realistic manner.
Read the full article, Fahrenheit Review. By Ryan Sayce on 23-Sep-05
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Posts: 2346
Post rank 5 out of 5
24 September 2005 06:10
Nice review Ryan, doesnt really seem like my type of game though.

Guess I could always try the demo out though.

Posts: 2696
Post rank 5 out of 5
24 September 2005 19:39
its one of those games you really dont know if you will like it till you play it.

Posts: 241
Post rank 2 out of 5
25 September 2005 17:45
excellent review for an excellent game....brings the point-n-click genre right into the 21st century, hopefully we might see more of these sorts of games cropping up.

Posts: 13
Post rank 0 out of 5
12 October 2005 14:59
Its a good game, but a bit short although it does have somewhat an intresting re-playablility, also like the use of the mouse.

Posts: 2
Post rank 0 out of 5
09 March 2006 21:36
Just finished it. To say the "story got a bit silly towards the end" is an understatment of masterly proportions. What begins as a fairly measured supernatural/murder mystery turns into what is easily one of the most overblown and downright ludicrous plots I have ever seen. And I saw The Matrix: Revolutions without flinching. Seriously, it makes the end of Deus Ex: Invisible War seem rational and measured. Still, I agree with the rest of the review, and if your prepared for the ensuing epic silliness, it's an awesome game.

Posts: 6957
Post rank 5 out of 5
09 March 2006 21:41
rofl, someone will have to tell me what happens, never did get chance to play it

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