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1942: Joint Strike Review
1942: Joint Strike ReviewAs well as the new weapons, the graphics of the game have also received a major overhaul. They appear slightly cartoonier than in the original, but that is not necessarily a bad thing considering the content of the game. The top-down view is nicely rendered, and from the viewpoint of the two aircraft the ground below your plane is interesting enough but not too distracting.
Read the full article, 1942: Joint Strike Review. By Andy Hemphill on 12-Aug-08
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03 September 2008 15:33
Ah, shame, was a fun game in its day. Nice review, Andy.

There's some good stuff on XBLA at the moment - Braid is still teasing my brain and Geometry Wars 2 is great fun. Castle Crashers is also a blast.

I personally can't wait until Duke Nukem 3D is released this month. Takes me right back to Dukematches on my 9600 baud modem!

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