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Warhammer: Mark of Chaos Review
Hero units, made up of Magi and Princes, offer battle-turning potential. These powerful individuals have equipment screens, and can be decked out with an array of magic items to aid their abilities. In addition, level-ups through experience earned allow you to spend skill points in talent trees, not unlike World of Warcraft.
Read the full article, Warhammer: Mark of Chaos Review. By James Barlow on 12-Dec-06
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Posts: 1740
Post rank 4 out of 5
13 December 2006 01:06
Intro Movie
^link to watch the fantastic intro

Posts: 2696
Post rank 5 out of 5
13 December 2006 01:58
Fantastic intro, sadly I dont think the rest of the game quite lived up that intro. Ace review as always mate.

Posts: 13
Post rank 0 out of 5
17 December 2006 21:15
Looks like a good game.
I used to play Warhammer fantasy with some friends when I was younger and the one thing that made me stop was the cost of it all, You could spend hundreds on an army and at the end of the day they were just little pieces of plastic and metal. This RTS game will attract the attention of warhammer players that are in the situation I once was.

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