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Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy Review
At any one time your character, for example, Princess Leia, will be accompanied by other stars of Star Wars, say C3PO and R2D2. At a click of a button, you can choose to control whichever of the main characters is alongside you at the time. Different characters have, naturally, different abilities; for example, Obi Wan can perform force powers such as lifting objects or stunning foes, whilst the robots are usually good for unlocking doors. Many puzzles in the game focus around using the right man for the right job and, more often than not, it's about how to get the right person in the right place to do that job.
Read the full article, Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy Review. By Paul Lowton on 19-Sep-06
More about Lego Star Wars II: The Original TrilogyMore about Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy

Posts: 2696
Post rank 5 out of 5
19 September 2006 22:36
Good review and I have to admit I did really enjoy the previous game if not the films it was based on, so I will without a doubt check this one out when I have the time.

Posts: 1740
Post rank 4 out of 5
19 September 2006 22:37
Might download the demo and try this, thanks

Posts: 728
Post rank 3 out of 5
20 September 2006 11:04
Nice review . Still have my doubts about the Lego factor.

Posts: 753
Post rank 3 out of 5
20 September 2006 14:12
The demo was really good. Only thing i find annoying is collecting the studs, so many of the damn things.

Posts: 974
Post rank 3 out of 5
20 September 2006 14:55
yeh im gonna dl the demo of this and check it out

good review m8

Posts: 420
Post rank 3 out of 5
20 September 2006 17:56
Cheers guys. Yeah, well worth checking out the demo. For some: it'll always be "just a kids game" but for others they'll play it for what it is....a kids game!

Posts: 6957
Post rank 5 out of 5
20 September 2006 18:51

Posts: 55
Post rank 1 out of 5
24 September 2006 00:00
Cool review, nice work.
- Lego Star Wars falls into a very special category of 'Games You Can Play Co-Operativly with People Who are Not Very Good'. Lego Star Wars, Dark Alliance, Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel - all can be played with non-hardcore gamers with much enjoyment, and there should be more of that about. Imagine : playing games with your girlfriend / significant other. The best of both worlds and no sleeping on the sofa that night!
I too havn't worked out if LSW is actually any good, or I'm being blinded by the subject material :-)

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